Partly there are lockdowns across Germany and the rest of Europe. Jewelers hope that they will be open for Christmas and that customers will be able...
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We can get stones in the meantime using FedEx, but it is definitely not the same thing than to visit a trade show.
Read PostWholesalers can remain open, since they fall under the category of ‘stores intended for professionals only’. Their clients can travel to them and...
Read PostThe criteria for international travel are the same for any trip outside the home in France and requires the same attestation (permission form) to be...
Read PostThe only requirement is that a Covid-19 test is taken no more than 96 hours prior to travel, and a Covid Negative Certificate is presented on exit...
Read PostTravel Restrictions During the Pandemic, To and From Your Country: A review from many of your ICA Directors
Read PostAn exhibition to honor the legendary jeweller Carl Faberge has been put together by the State Hermitage, with the assistance from Russian and German...
Read PostFor the first time, the pieces featured cabochon and faceted emeralds — the other collections featured emerald slices and beads
Read PostWe all know about Diana’s sapphire engagement ring – which is now owned by Kate Middleton – but what about her signet ring bearing the crest of the...
Read PostThe legendary celebrity design guru, 60, on being a single mother and how to survive a pandemic without losing your sparkle
Read PostWith the well-being and health of our exhibitors, buyers and staff being our top priority, GJX does not feel we can safely hold the GJX 2021 show.
Read PostThis session also looks into emerging consumer trends as well as coloured gemstones rising in popularity among today's more sophisticated buyers.
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