Report by ICA Ambassador to Germany

ICA Ambassador Reports,

Report by ICA Ambassador to Germany

By Claudia Hamanm

Last year was better than expected, especially due to the stable selling of gemstones in good to high quality, despite uncertainness of the markets.

Europe had a good start in 2020 with Vicenzaoro fair, which gave a satisfactory result both at the national and international levels, followed by Inhorgenta Munich that was very well visited.

German customers were very determined for buying, as the business at the show was 20% higher than last year. Although the coronavirus was already in circulation, nobody expected Covid-19 to become a pandemic of these dimensions.

Now we are dealing with a global pandemic, which is a big challenge for local economies and international trade. And because of the lockdown in most places, business was down approximately 80 to 90%.

In Germany, most of the shops and offices are reopening after more than one month, and it looks like the fundamentals are remaining strong, and customers are still willing to buy.
Local jewelers know that they need to show a well selected stock in order to sell to their clients, so they continue to purchase what they need to complete their inventory.

The hope is also that this year’s budget planned for holidays will be switched on luxury goods!!

Even after the general lockdown has finished, we must be aware that until 2021 probably no big events will be possible, so we have to adapt to the new situation.

Digital showcase is a possibility for public relations, but it will not replace the trade fairs, with the real contact and the unexpected purchase.

In this difficult moment, we have the challenge to show our strength, to continue work in the best possible way, even from home.
It is more important than ever before to be connected with each other. Together we are strong and able to move things and find solutions.

As the German poet Goethe said, "You have to join together, not to be together, but to do something together."

Social and environmental problems will become more and more in focus. Projects of sustainability, such as Gems Keep Giving and Accredited Ethical Member show what teamwork of trading communities can create. Sustainability will become always more of an economic benefit for our trade.

Intelligent individuals already realized that we are not only living for our own. To survive in this world, it is time to live for the whole.

Any crisis (coming from the Greek word ‘decision’) offers a new opportunity for changes in our profession and our private life.
This quarantine of course is a very special experience for all of us. We are newly discovering our homes, ourselves, and our loved ones… and hopefully the love for our work.